A freelancing career isn’t easy, yet it is rewarding

In “The Art of Feature Writing,” about the business side of freelancing, I did not know how much work it is to make freelancing a career and pay the monthly bills. The business side gives a lot of information about how to submit a query letter, what reputable markets to sell your stories to and how to take rejections and keep writing no matter what. Honestly, it would be difficult for me to be only a freelance writer, especially if I am a rookie and just starting to send my work to various newspapers and magazines.

I think it is helpful that the chapter explained how to follow up about a query letter or story submission. Before I read this, I always felt unsure of when and how I should follow up with an editor. Therefore, a freelance writer has to sell themselves to get their work published. They have to be “politely” aggressive and accept rejections and move on to the next newspaper or magazine.

In “Telling True Stories,” Jim Collins gives a brighter perspective to being a freelance writer. Collins seems he is very good at his career because when he admitted how much he was paid for feature stories and a book advance. These various pieces added up to a decent salary. I appreciate how Collins expressed that freelance writers need to start reporting before they pitch an idea to an editor. This would give the writer a good story angle to pitch to the editor if he or she is interested and asks more details.

I also admire his strategies when approaching a magazine for the first time. My favorite strategy is thinking of a story idea that I can only write. Sometimes, I think too outside of the box, when I should be just observing and reflecting about my life experiences. But I believe the great aspect about freelancing is complete freedom in what you write. This is certainly rewarding.